Dear IC, as you will agree, all JWs are raised to feel "responsibility" and "be sure to meet your obligations" "carry out your ministry" "baptism is a pledge to Jehovah" ... it is repeated over and over at meetings and conventions, throughout their literature in all kinds of subtle and not so subtle ways, right?
That is how propaganda works..... That is how brainwashing works... and they know it... that is why they do it.... That is how they get 8 million peope to say "we understand the overlapping generation crap" when they have noooooo idea.....
The hamster wheel.... all JWs are on it. When you are on the hamster wheel, what can you do? Run? Only see one foot ahead of you? Perfect machine to "keep you busy" in the work of the "Lord"/ WT moneymaking business.
Once you stop attending, the brainwashing stops, the guilt disappears. Your brain can make new pathways, and realize "it is just a game."
When I realized "the game" and the lies WT told, I was still going to a few meetings until my family 'got out.' I simply turned in "time" on the "time slip" and felt oh so gooood to give WT what they had given me my whole life..... nothing. It felt great! Write "3 hours, 4 magazines, 1 RV" and do nothing, if you still want to play the game, they have done nothing for you.
Really, give yourself a break, relax, feel no guilt.. there is NO reason to feel it, you owe 'THEM" nothing... it is just a game.
breathe, relax, enjoy!
cha ching!